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Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Showa Women's University. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas Humanities and CultureatauFakultas Food and Health SciencesatauFakultas Humanities and Social SciencesatauFakultas Global BusinessatauFakultas International HumanitiesatauFakultas Environmental Science and Design, Showa Women's University. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Showa Women's University, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

Universitas Tokyo  / Sekolah swasta

昭和女子大学 | Showa Women's University

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Food and Health Sciences

New programs and scholarships for international students will begin in the 2025 academic year!

<Faculty of International Studies, Department of International Studies Track for International Students starts!>
This program is designed for international students. Students must take English and Japanese as their foreign language.
EJU score criteria are not required! (Exams required)
After admission, students will receive an intensive Japanese language program, generous study support, and systematic career education, while enhancing their expertise and developing the skills required in a global society.
For more information, please check the website of the Department of International Studies, School of International Studies.
*Only the Department of International Studies in the School of International Studies is accepting applications.

<Scholarships for International Students>
1. entrance fee waiver scholarship
International students enrolling in a regular course of study at the university are eligible for a full waiver of the entrance fee.
Certain conditions and an application at the time of application are required to use this system.
2. tuition fee waiver system for privately financed international students
Tuition is reduced or exempted for international students who meet certain conditions and are enrolled in a regular course of study, depending on their academic performance.
The tuition reduction rate ranges from 20-60% depending on the GPA of the semester immediately prior to the application.
The tuition reduction rate for the first semester of enrollment is a flat rate of 30%.

*2024 Open Campus will be held on the following dates
June 23 (Sunday) 9:30-15:30
July 21 (Sunday) 9:30-15:30
August 17 (Saturday) 9:30-15:30
August 18 (Sun.) 9:30 - 15:30

For more information, please visit the Showa Women's University Open Campus website.

*Please note that due to various circumstances such as disasters and infectious diseases, some of the information on the entrance examination and Open Campus may be subject to change.
Please be sure to check the university's admissions information website for any changes.

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Panduan fasilitas

Five minutes from Shibuya! Study at our urban campus in Setagaya.

Our main campus is located in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo. The Sangen-Jaya district, with its old-fashioned shops and rows of apartment buildings, is known as a popular place for young people to live. The green, nature-filled campus of Showa Women's University here offers education from kindergarten to university and graduate studies, as well as a nursery school and British School buildings. There are also world-class cultural facilities, including a concert hall and museum, and student dormitories. The location of the campus also offers convenient access to downtown areas such as Shibuya, Harajuku, Shimokitazawa, Jiyugaoka, and Shinjuku.

Check here for details →

Study at our overseas campus, Showa Boston

Combining historical buildings with modern architecture, Showa Boston opened in 1988 in the state of Massachusetts on the east coast of the United States. With the motto, "A bridge across the sea", the campus promotes exchange between the city of Boston and the people of Japan. It offers an English-based curriculum of study in a small class size format.
Resident assistants live with students in dormitories attached to the main campus buildings. They provide guidance for English conversation beyond classroom studies. A wide range of community service and fieldwork opportunities are available in the local community, where students can further improve their English skills and actively apply their studies.

Check here for details →

On-campus concerts and performances are held at our Memorial Hall

Hitomi Memorial Hall is an embodiment of the founding spirit of Showa Women's University. It was built in April 1980 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the university's establishment.
Reaching 5 stories above ground and 2 below, the hall covers 14,186 square meters with a capacity of 2,008 persons. The hall features computer-controlled sound and lighting equipment, and is renowned for its excellent acoustics.
School events such as opening and graduation ceremonies are held here in addition to classical music and jazz concerts, ballet recitals, and performances of traditional Japanese arts. Many of these events are integrated into the university's curriculum as "cultural research seminars", with free admission for international students.

Setagaya Campus

Showa Boston

Hitomi Memorial Hall

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