Psychology | Surugadai University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Psychology | Surugadai University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS&...

Jika Anda lulus fungsi perekrutan Anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

> > > Psychology

JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT yang dikelola bersama oleh Lembaga Yayasan The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.
Tersedia informasi rinci mengenai Surugadai University, mencakup informasi per fakultas seperti Fakultas LawatauFakultas Economics and ManagementatauFakultas Media and Information ResourcesatauFakultas Psychology, serta berbagai informasi yang berguna bagi mahasiswa(i) mancanegara seperti kuota untuk jumlah pendaftar dan jumlah kelulusan ujian masuk mahasiswa(i) mancanegara, informasi mengenai ujian masuk, prasarana kampus, akses jalan, dan lainnya. Silakan memanfaatkannya.

Universitas Saitama  / Sekolah swasta

駿河台大学 | Surugadai University


  • Tab informasi ujian masuk
Kode Pos 357-8555
Kontak Alamat 698 Azu, Hanno-shi, Saitama
Kontak Departmen Admission and Public Relations Office
No.Telepon 042-972-1124
No. Fax 042-972-1160
Ujian masuk Mahasiswa Asing Ada seleksi khusus untuk mahasiswa asing
Kapasitas penerimaan Beberapa (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Jumlah peserta ujian 26 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2023)
jumlah peserta lolos ujian 5 orang (TAHUN FISKAL 2023)
Biaya pendaftaran 35,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Biaya masuk 100,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Biaya kuliah per tahun 735,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Biaya lainnya 355,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2025)
Permohonan penundaan /pengembalian uang yang sudah dilunas Tidak tersedia
Keterangan Payments should be made in installments (1st and 2nd terms).
Jurusan Psychology
Distribusi formulir pendaftaran Juli PERTENGAHAN
Contoh soal ujian masuk tahun sebelumnya Tidak ada soal ujian sebelumnya
Masuk sekolah (musim semi) 2025 TAHUN April MASUK SEKOLAH
Klasifikasi pendaftaran Special Entrance Examination (For International Students, October Recruitment)
Mulai tanggal pendaftaran September 17, 2024
Batas akhir pendaftaran September 26, 2024 (Tertanda cap pengiriman)
Waktu ujian Oktober 12, 2024
Pengumuman kelulusan Oktober 17, 2024
Batas waktu prosedur penerimaan (bagi siwa yang lolos ujian) November 1, 2024
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - pendaftaran di luar Jepang Tidak tersedia
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - kunjungan ke Jepang untuk ujian Perlu
Ujian yang diselenggarakan universitas Proses Screening formulir, Essay, Interview
Ujian masuk untuk mahasiswa asing - subjek di tentukan Bahasa Jepang
Ujian masuk untuk mahasiswa asing - bahasa yang digunakan saat ujian Bahasa Jepang
Ujian masuk untuk mahasiswa asing - referensi ujian Ujian setelah bulan Juni tahun 2023
Ujian bahasa Inggris Tidak diperluhkan
Ujian Bahasa Jepang (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Harus lolos JLPT N2 atau lebih (N1)
Keterangan The qualifications for application are as follows
(1) Those who do not have Japanese nationality
(2) Those who can obtain or renew their status of residence under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
(3) Those who have completed 12 years of school education in a foreign country and are qualified to enter a university in that country or its equivalent.
(4) Those who have at least one of the following conditions a through d.
a. Applicants who have taken Japanese as a Foreign Language of EJU with a score of 200 or higher (including Writing).
b. Applicants who have taken Japanese as a Foreign Language of EJU with a score of 180 or higher (including Writing), and are recommended by the principal of the Japanese language school or vocational school in Japan in which they are enrolled. (A letter of recommendation is required)
c. Applicants who have passed N2 (or N1) of JLPT and can submit the score.
d. Applicants who have taken N2 (or N1) of JLPT and can submit the score, and are recommended by the principal of the Japanese language school or vocational school in Japan where they are enrolled (recommendation letter is required).

First stage examination: Document screening
Secondary stage examination: Essay, Interview
Only applicants who passed First stage examination can take Secondary stage examination.
Masuk sekolah (musim semi) 2025 TAHUN April MASUK SEKOLAH
Klasifikasi pendaftaran Special Entrance Examination (For International Students, February Recruitment)
Mulai tanggal pendaftaran Januari 14, 2025
Batas akhir pendaftaran Januari 23, 2025 (Tertanda cap pengiriman)
Waktu ujian Februari 8, 2025
Pengumuman kelulusan Februari 13, 2025
Batas waktu prosedur penerimaan (bagi siwa yang lolos ujian) Februari 28, 2025
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - pendaftaran di luar Jepang Tidak tersedia
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - kunjungan ke Jepang untuk ujian Perlu
Ujian yang diselenggarakan universitas Proses Screening formulir, Essay, Interview
Ujian masuk untuk mahasiswa asing - subjek di tentukan Bahasa Jepang
Ujian masuk untuk mahasiswa asing - bahasa yang digunakan saat ujian Bahasa Jepang
Ujian masuk untuk mahasiswa asing - referensi ujian Ujian setelah bulan Juni tahun 2023
Ujian bahasa Inggris Tidak diperluhkan
Ujian Bahasa Jepang (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Harus lolos JLPT N2 atau lebih (N1)
Keterangan The qualifications for application are as follows
(1) Those who do not have Japanese nationality
(2) Those who can obtain or renew their status of residence under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
(3) Those who have completed 12 years of school education in a foreign country and are qualified to enter a university in that country or its equivalent.
(4) Those who have at least one of the following conditions a through d.
a. Applicants who have taken Japanese as a Foreign Language of EJU with a score of 200 or higher (including Writing).
b. Applicants who have taken Japanese as a Foreign Language of EJU with a score of 180 or higher (including Writing), and are recommended by the principal of the Japanese language school or vocational school in Japan in which they are enrolled. (A letter of recommendation is required)
c. Applicants who have passed N2 (or N1) of JLPT and can submit the score.
d. Applicants who have taken N2 (or N1) of JLPT and can submit the score, and are recommended by the principal of the Japanese language school or vocational school in Japan where they are enrolled (recommendation letter is required).

First stage examination: Document screening
Secondary stage examination: Essay, Interview
Only applicants who passed First stage examination can take Secondary stage examination.

Terlakhir diUpdate: Mei 29, 2024

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