International University of Health and Welfare Medicine 以下の日程で留学生・帰国生を対象とした説明会を... | Berita | JPSS, Website informasi belajar di Jepang | 2019/04/25 update

International University of Health and Welfare Medicine 以下の日程で留学生・...

Jika Anda lulus fungsi perekrutan Anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

JPSS, Informasi universitas dan pasca sarjana di Jepang > Berita/Informasi berguna bagi mahasiswa > 2019/04/25


2019/04/25 International University of Health and Welfare Medicine Berita sekolah

We hold the briefing for "International Students, Returnee Students and Students of International School" on dates below.

Doctors, training students to become highly capable doctors performing on international stages, talk about the characteristics of IUHW School of Medicine in English.

【Dates & Venue】
・18th May (Sat)     14:00~ IUHW Tokyo Akasaka Campus
・21st September (Sat) 14:00~ IUHW Tokyo Akasaka Campus

"The Characteristics of IUHW School of Medicine" by Professor Haruko Akatsu, Dean of Medical Education
"Special Entrance Examination for International Students, Returnee Students and Students of International School" by Professor Shigefumi Takasuka, Director of Center for Liberal Arts


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