Ryukoku University 龍谷大学 農学部では、地域に貢献できる研究・教... | Tin tức | Website về thông tin du học JPSS | 2022/02/07 update

Ryukoku University 龍谷大学 農学部では、地域に貢献できる研究・教... | Tin t...

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2022/02/07 Ryukoku University Bản tin trường

Ryukoku University’s Faculty of Agriculture implements a ‘Sustainable Food Cycle Project’ aimed at carrying out education and research that gives back to the local community.

19 student volunteers from the Faculty of Agriculture cultivated and harvested a type of peanut at the Faculty’s Maki Farm in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. They focused on how they could increase the value of the Omasari peanut variety as a product while taking into account the project’s ‘food cycle’ objective. This resulted in the development of a chocolate product.

For more details please visit the following links (Japanese only).

If you are interested in learning about plant life science, bio-resource science or food science and human nutrition please consider Ryukoku University’s Japanese Culture and Language Program (JCLP) for international students.

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