Informasi fakultas | Well-being | Universitas Musashino | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Informasi fakultas | Well-being | Universitas Musashino | Jika ingin belajar ...

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Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Universitas Musashino. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas KewiraswastaanatauFakultas Well-beingatauFakultas Fakultas GlobalatauFakultas EngineeringatauFakultas Data ScienceatauFakultas LiteratureatauFakultas EconomicsatauFakultas Business AdministrationatauFakultas LawatauFakultas Human Sciences, Universitas Musashino. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Universitas Musashino, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

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Informasi fakultas

The world's first faculty to realize happiness for society and people

Opening in April 2024. The idea of "well-being”—being in a good state in all aspects such as mind, body, and society—has become increasingly important in recent years as we face a variety of problems such as environmental issues, conflicts, pandemics, poverty and inequality. The Faculty of Well-Being aims to develop human resources who can design and create well-being—happiness, fulfillment, security, welfare, health, and peace—for people and the world, through an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates the latest findings and achievements in science and technology.

Faculty of Well-Being– what makes us stand out!

■Learning from all of Planet Earth
The world is our campus. Japan is our campus. Corporations are our campuses. We will foster and produce well-being designers by integrating the experiential knowledge and creative practical skills gained from field studies in nature, the community, companies, and the w
orld outside of the Musashino Campus.

■Develop a wide range of human qualities.
After systematically learning about the "Founding Spirit" through theory and practice, students study the foundations of well-being through "Well-being Design" and "Well-being Literacy". Students will undertake hands-on learning in "Self-Understanding", "Nature and the Environment", "Community, Medicine and Welfare", "Business", and "International Understanding", as they work towards designing products and services, communities, education, and a life of well-being in "Future Design" and "Graduation Project". Students will acquire a wide range of knowledge and cultivate personal and practical skills.

■Designing and Shaping Happiness
Through a variety of studies over four years, students will comprehensively acquire the ability to "design and give shape to happiness" and creatively produce well-being for themselves, the people around them, and for the world. Specifically, students will systematically learn innovation techniques to generate innovation, and through practical learning of the social implementation of these techniques, they will proactively work to create the kind of well-being society that we want to see in the future.

The Faculty of Well-being, Department of Well-being will be established in 2024.

The Faculty of Well-being, Department of Well-being will be established in 2024.

It is necessary to learn sociological and psychological knowledge about well-being, such as happiness, fulfilment, security, welfare, health, and peace, in addition to studying engineering and design methods for new creative designs.

It is necessary to learn sociological and psychological knowledge about well-being, such as happiness, fulfilment, security, welfare, health, and peace, in addition to studying engineering and design methods for new creative designs.

Daftar jurusan

Developing talented individuals who will proactively work on creating of the type of well-being society that should exist in the future.

In our department, we study how happiness is achieved at various levels of society, engaging in dialogue that transcends teacher/student and domestic/international boundaries to discuss the future of happiness for the world, society, individuals, and ourselves. We then encourage students to take concrete actions to realize the happiness they have found. The program takes place in a wide variety of settings, including study abroad programs at overseas universities, field studies in Japan, and collaborations with corporations. We aim to nurture and produce true "Happiness Practitioners = Well-Being Designers" by fostering and integrating the ability to learn, interact, conceive, and realize.

■Examples of future career prospects
Human resources needed to "design (create) well-being for the world, Japan (regional), and companies" in the future.
(1) Well-being Industrial Designers
Human resources who create world and industry well-being on the global stage.
(e.g.) Persons in charge of promoting well-being in educational settings and companies (manufacturers, trading companies, medical and nursing, nursing care welfare, etc.), entrepreneurs, etc.
(2) Well-being Regional Designers
Human resources who design well-being that makes the most of the characteristics of each region, and who are responsible for regional revitalization.
(e.g.) Local government civil servants aiming to create well-being communities, corporate and NPO positions, etc.
(3) Well-being Specialists
Talent who will go on to graduate school to further study the methodology of academic research on well-being and comprehensively design a world of well-being.
(e.g.) Graduate school education abroad or in Japan, employment in research institutes and think tanks, etc.

■Musashino Campus

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