Aichi Shukutoku University Fakultas Komunikasi Global 愛知淑徳大学のグローバル・コミュニケーション学... | Berita | JPSS, Website informasi belajar di Jepang | 2024/09/20 update

Aichi Shukutoku University Fakultas Komunikasi Global 愛知淑徳大学のグローバ...

Jika Anda lulus fungsi perekrutan Anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

JPSS, Informasi universitas dan pasca sarjana di Jepang > Berita/Informasi berguna bagi mahasiswa > 2024/09/20


2024/09/20 Aichi Shukutoku University Fakultas Komunikasi Global Berita sekolah

The Faculty of Global Communication at Aichi Shukutoku University will soon be opening the window of applications for the “Global Entrance Exam” for international students. This will be the second and final window for “Global Entrance Exam” applicants, so please be sure to take the time to go through our application guidelines if you are interested. "Confirmation of Eligibility" (which must be completed before application) is due by October 4th (Fri.) *Physical documents must reach the Admissions Center by this date.

See application guideline here:
If you have any questions after going through the guidelines, contact us at
or via the “CONTACT” button at the top of this page. Please write “Contacting via Japan Study Support” at the top of your message.

If you are:
1) Not a native English speaker, but would like to earn your bachelor’s degree through English-taught courses
2) Would also like to study Japanese and learn about Japanese culture
3) Want to become someone with strong communication skills and problem finding/solving skills
then the Faculty of Global Communication at ASU (Aichi Shukutoku University) may be the right program for you!

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