Kwansei Gakuin University 【Online Information Session】Are you interes... | Berita | JPSS, Website informasi belajar di Jepang | 2024/09/09 update

Kwansei Gakuin University 【Online Information Session】Are you interes... |...

Jika Anda lulus fungsi perekrutan Anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

JPSS, Informasi universitas dan pasca sarjana di Jepang > Berita/Informasi berguna bagi mahasiswa > 2024/09/09


2024/09/09 Kwansei Gakuin University Berita sekolah

【Online Information Session】

Are you interested in studying for an MBA degree in Japan?
Would you like to study for an MBA at KGU’s Institute of Business and Accounting?
We cordially invite you to an Online Information Session about our International Management Course (IMC), KGU’s MBA degree taught in English.

*Date & Time: 13:00-15:00, Saturday, October 12, 2024 (in Japan time)
*Venue: Online via Zoom


As for the 2025 Spring Entry, we have just updated the Entrance Examination Information on our website!
Please take a moment to explore our website below.

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