International University of Japan 8月18日(土)、ミャンマー・ヤンゴンで開催される... | Berita | JPSS, Website informasi belajar di Jepang | 2018/07/26 update

International University of Japan 8月18日(土)、ミャンマー・ヤンゴンで開催...

Jika Anda lulus fungsi perekrutan Anda akan mendapat kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa

JPSS, Informasi universitas dan pasca sarjana di Jepang > Berita/Informasi berguna bagi mahasiswa > 2018/07/26


2018/07/26 International University of Japan Berita sekolah

IUJ is participating in the Study in Japan Fair in Yangon, Myanmar on August 18.
At the IUJ booth at this Study-in-Japan Fair in Yangon, those interested in applying to IUJ for the 2019 academic year or in the near future will be given the opportunity to find out more about what the university has to offer, as well as the chance to meet faculty and alumni for first hand accounts of their experiences with the school. We look forward to seeing you on the day!

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