일본 유학 정보 사이트JPSS > 오카야마현의 대학에서 유학지를 찾기 > 岡山大学 > Discovery Program for Global Learners
재단법인 아시아학생문화협회와 주식회사 베네세코퍼레이션이 공동운영하고 있는JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT에서는 외국인 유학생을 모집하고 있는 약 1,300여 개의 대학・대학원・단기대학・전문학교의 정보를 게재하고 있습니다.
여기에서는 岡山大学 관한 자세한 정보를 게재하고 있어 Letters 학부및Law 학부및Economics 학부및Science 학부및Medical School 학부및Dental School 학부및Pharmacy 학부및Engineering 학부및Agriculture 학부및Discovery Program for Global Learners 학부 등의 학부별 정보, 모집정원과 합격자수 등의 입시정보, 시설안내, 교통정보 등 외국인 유학생에게 유익하고 필요한 정보를 게재하고 있으므로 많이 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.
오카야마현 / 국립
우편번호 | 700-8530 |
문의처 주소 | 2-1-1 Tsushimanaka, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama |
문의처 부서 | Discovery Program for Global Learners |
전화번호 | +81-86-251-7915, 7912 |
학부의 특색 | 영어만으로 학위를 취득할 수 있다 |
유학생 특별선발 | 일본인과 동일시험, 동일기준으로 평가 |
모집정원 | 60명 (2024년도) |
수험자수 | 125명 (2023년도) |
합격자수 | 72명 (2023년도) |
재적 총유학생(유학비자)수 | 67명 (2024년도) |
재적 사비외국인유학생수 | 63명 (2024년도) |
출원료 | 17,000 엔 (2021년도) |
입학금 | 282,000 엔 (2021년도) |
수업료/년 | 535,800 엔 (2021년도) |
납입금 지연/반환금 신청 | 불가능 |
원서 배포시기 | 7월하순 |
대학단독시험 과거문제 | 과거문제 없음 |
입학년월(봄학기) | 2025년4월입학 |
출원구분 | International Student Entrance Examination (April Admission) |
출원기간 개시일 | 2024년10월7일 |
출원기간 종료일 | 2024년10월23일 (필착) |
시험일 | 2024년11월30일 |
합격 발표일 | 2024년12월16일 |
입학수속 마감일 | 2025년1월24일 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 | 가능 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 | 불필요 |
대학단독시험 과목 | 서류심사, 면접, First round selection: Screening of application documents in Early November. Interviews will be held in applicants who successfully pass the first round of selection. |
영어시험 | If you did not take education in English at the last 5 years, you must submit certificate of English examination having taken in or after September 2022. |
일본어 능력시험 | N1(1급레벨)합격을 요함 |
비고 | There is not the criteria about score of English examination. You can submit one or plural score of the followings. Cambridge English Eiken GTEC Advanced or GTEC Basic or GTEC Core or GTEC CBT IELTS TEAP TEAP CBT TOEFL iBT TOEIC Listening & Reading Test and TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests IB English Score (Predicted Scores included) |
입학년월(가을학기) | 2025년10월입학 |
출원구분 | International Student Entrance Examination (October Admission) Period 1 |
출원기간 개시일 | 2024년10월7일 |
출원기간 종료일 | 2024년10월23일 (필착) |
시험일 | 2024년11월30일 |
합격 발표일 | 2024년12월16일 |
입학수속 마감일 | 2025년1월24일 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 | 가능 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 | 불필요 |
대학단독시험 과목 | 서류심사, 면접, First round selection: Screening of application documents in Early November. Interviews will be held in applicants who successfully pass the first round of selection. |
영어시험 | If you did not take education in English at the last 5 years, you must submit certificate of English examination having taken in or after September 2022. |
일본어 능력시험 | 불필요 |
비고 | There is not the criteria about score of English examination. You can submit one or plural score of the followings. Cambridge English Eiken GTEC Advanced or GTEC Basic or GTEC Core or GTEC CBT IELTS TEAP TEAP CBT TOEFL iBT TOEIC Listening & Reading Test and TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests IB English Score (Predicted Scores included) |
입학년월(가을학기) | 2025년10월입학 |
출원구분 | International Student Entrance Examination (October Admission) Period 2 |
출원기간 개시일 | 2024년12월23일 |
출원기간 종료일 | 2025년1월21일 (필착) |
시험일 | 2025년3월2일 |
합격 발표일 | 2025년3월24일 |
입학수속 마감일 | 2025년4월30일 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 | 가능 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 | 불필요 |
대학단독시험 과목 | 서류심사, 면접, First round selection: Screening of application documents in mid February 2024. Interviews will be held in applicants who successfully pass the first round of selection. |
영어시험 | If you did not take education in English at the last 5 years, you must submit certificate of English examination having taken in or after September 2022. |
일본어 능력시험 | 불필요 |
비고 | There is not the criteria about score of English examination. You can submit one or plural score of the followings. Cambridge English Eiken GTEC Advanced or GTEC Basic or GTEC Core or GTEC CBT IELTS TEAP TEAP CBT TOEFL iBT TOEIC Listening & Reading Test and TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests IB English Score (Predicted Scores included) |
원서 배포시기 | 7월하순 |
대학단독시험 과거문제 | 인터넷으로 공개하고 있음 |
입학년월(봄학기) | 2025년4월입학 |
출원구분 | Discovery Entrance Examination (Literal courses) |
출원기간 개시일 | 2024년9월2일 |
출원기간 종료일 | 2024년9월6일 (필착) |
시험일 | 2024년10월12일 |
합격 발표일 | 2024년11월1일 |
입학수속 마감일 | 2024년11월28일 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 | 가능 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 | 필요 |
대학단독시험 과목 | Please refer to "Remarks". |
영어시험 | Please refer to "Remarks". |
일본어 능력시험 | N1(1급레벨)합격을 요함 |
비고 | First stage selection: Document screening will be conducted in mid-September Examination will be conducted for those who pass the first stage selection [written questions (English), oral examination (reading comprehension), presentation, personal interview (including oral examination)]. Applicants are required to submit the scores of English language qualifications/examinations taken after September 2022. The English language qualifications/examinations for which applicants are eligible are listed in the list of English language qualifications/examinations (4 skills) designated by the University, so please submit the transcripts of the examinations that measure the 4 skills. However, for those who have taken Language A or Language B in English for the International Baccalaureate, the submission of these scores (including the Predicted Score) may be substituted for the scores of the English language qualifications/examinations. For details, please refer to the application guideline. For those who submit a score of B2 or higher in the CEFR equivalent level based on the comparison table between the list of English language qualifications/examinations (4 skills) designated by the University and the CEFR equivalent level, or those who take Language A or Language B in English for the International Baccalaureate degree and submit a grade (including the Predicted Score) of 5 or higher, the score of "Writing Test (English)" will be considered as a perfect score and the examination will be exempted. CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment) For details, please refer to application guidelines. |
입학년월(봄학기) | 2025년4월입학 |
출원구분 | Discovery Entrance Examination (Science courses) |
출원기간 개시일 | 2024년9월2일 |
출원기간 종료일 | 2024년9월6일 (필착) |
시험일 | 2024년10월12일 |
합격 발표일 | 2024년11월1일 |
입학수속 마감일 | 2024년11월28일 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-해외에서 직접출원 | 가능 |
도일전(渡日前) 수속-수험을 위한 일본방문 | 필요 |
대학단독시험 과목 | Please refer to "Remarks". |
영어시험 | Please refer to "Remarks". |
일본어 능력시험 | N1(1급레벨)합격을 요함 |
비고 | First selection: Application Screening in mid-September (if the number of applicants exceeds about 16) Second selection for those who pass the first selection [Mathematics, Writing (Science): Physics, Chemistry, Biology (2 fields to be chosen), Writing (English), Presentation, Personal Interview (including Oral Examination), Presentation, Personal interview (including oral examination)] Applicants are required to submit the scores of English language qualifications/examinations taken after September 2022. The English language qualifications/examinations for which applicants are eligible are listed in the list of English language qualifications/examinations (4 skills) designated by the University, so please submit the transcripts of the examinations that measure the 4 skills. However, for those who have taken Language A or Language B in English for the International Baccalaureate, the submission of these scores (including the Predicted Score) may be substituted for the scores of the English language qualifications/examinations. For details, please refer to the application guideline. For those who submit a score of B2 or higher in the CEFR equivalent level based on the comparison table between the list of English language qualifications/examinations (4 skills) designated by the University and the CEFR equivalent level, or those who take Language A or Language B in English for the International Baccalaureate degree and submit a grade (including the Predicted Score) of 5 or higher, the score of "Writing Test (English)" will be considered as a perfect score and the examination will be exempted. https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/koudai/detail/1408564.ht CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment) |
최종변경일: 2024년07월08일