학부정보 | Data Science | 武蔵野大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

학부정보 | Data Science | 武蔵野大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

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武蔵野大学 유학을 생각하고 계시는 분들께 JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT는 재단법인 아시아학생문화협회와 주식회사 베네세코퍼레이션이 공동운영하고 있는 외국인 유학생을 위한 일본유학정보 사이트입니다. 武蔵野大学 기업가 정신 학부및Well-being 학부및Global Studies 학부및Engineering 학부및Data Science 학부및문헌 학부및경제 학부및Business Administration 학부및법률 학부및Human Sciences 학부 등 학부 별 상세 정보도 게재하고 있기 때문에, 武蔵野大学 관한 유학정보를 찾고 계시는 분들은 꼭 이용해 보시기 바랍니다. 이 외에도 외국인 유학생을 모집을 하고 있는 1,300여 개의 대학・대학원・단기대학・전문학교의 정보도 게재하고ㅇ 있습니다.

대학 도쿄도  / 사립

武蔵野大学 | Musashino University

대학안내 다운로드
질의 사항
현재 선택하신 언어로는 정보를 제공하고 있지 않습니다. 다른 언어로 열람해 주시기 바랍니다.
일본어로 정보를 열람  영어로 정보를 열람 

Data Science

학부안내 다운로드 원서 다운로드
  • 입시정보
  • 학부정보
  • 학생생활지원
  • 시설안내
  • 찾아 오시는 길


Big Data × AI × ○○ = Unleashing Your Potential

At Musashino University we believe that data science isn’t just about the processing of statistical data. It is an academic field that creates new values with creative and original ideas, gaining insight into the essence of things, discovering new knowledge and creating ideas through the sharing, searching and integration of large data utilizing AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology. There is a need for ‘Big Data × AI’ in a broad range of fields, including education, medicine, economics, environment and government. The Faculty of Data Science will be a place for students to unleash a world of infinite possibilities.

Faculty of Data Science– what makes us stand out!

■ One of the few universities that offer studies into AI
There are currently only a handful of universities in Japan that offer courses in AI. This number is even less in terms of Private Universities. Here at Musashino University we provide students with an environment in which they can study extensively in the field of artificial intelligence.

■ A wide range of talented individuals working with data science
In addition to the obvious fields of data characteristics, analysis and statistical methods, students will also learn about Python programming, IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence) and how to utilize them. In order to be able to successfully use what they have learnt out in the world, students are given several opportunities to take part in practical training outside the classroom.

■ Students choose one main and two sub courses from the 3 courses offered.
Data scientists are a relatively new profession. The Department has predicted the different kind of career paths graduates of the Department of Data Science might follow and created 3 specialist courses that will help students achieve this goal.

■ The Miraisouzou PJ (Future Creation Project) Course is a small-group seminar class offered from the 1st year. Students use a practical approach to learn how the skills and knowledge they have studied in class can be applied to real life problems.

Big Data × AI (Artificial Intelligence) = Unlimited Potential

Big Data × AI (Artificial Intelligence) = Unlimited Potential

A scene of lecture at Department of Data Science

A scene of lecture at Department of Data Science

The Department of Data Science provides three course models for students to gain strength in the three areas in which data scientists are desired to possess skills–creativity, innovation, and engineering.

The Department of Data Science provides three course models for students to gain strength in the three areas in which data scientists are desired to possess skills–creativity, innovation, and engineering.


Data Science
Nurturing talented individuals who can use Big Data & AI creatively

Based on a foundation of AI technology and data science, the Department of Data Science strives to realize a frontier society and frontier technology. The Department will use education and research into systems and societies that realize ‘knowledge creation’ to nurture Data Scientists. Students will acquire the analytical skills to accurately read and understand data, the creativity to create and produce new values, and the savvy business skills required to initiate innovation. Graduates will become pioneers of the future, capable of making a more productive and sustainable society.

■Examples of future career prospects
Data Scientists, AI developers, data engineers, machine learning engineers, UX designers, etc.

■Ariake Campus

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