Food and Health Sciences | Aichi Shukutoku University | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Food and Health Sciences | Aichi Shukutoku University | Jika ingin belajar d...

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Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Aichi Shukutoku University. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas Center for Japanese Language and CultureatauFakultas LettersatauFakultas Human ServicesatauFakultas Human InformaticsatauFakultas Global Culture and CommunicationatauFakultas BusinessatauFakultas Health and Medical SciencesatauFakultas PsychologyatauFakultas Creation and RepresentationatauFakultas Global CommunicationatauFakultas Food and Health Sciences , Aichi Shukutoku University. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Aichi Shukutoku University, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

Universitas Aichi  / Sekolah swasta

愛知淑徳大学 | Aichi Shukutoku University

Food and Health Sciences

  • Tab informasi ujian masuk
Kode Pos 464-8671
Kontak Alamat 23 Sakuragaoka, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
Kontak Departmen Admission Center
No.Telepon 052-781-7084
No. Fax 052-783-1599
Kapasitas penerimaan Beberapa (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Biaya pendaftaran 25,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Biaya masuk 200,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Biaya kuliah per tahun 800,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Biaya lainnya 475,000 JPY (TAHUN FISKAL 2024)
Jurusan Health and Nutritional Sciences, Innovative Food Sciences
Distribusi formulir pendaftaran Perluh dikonfirmasi
Masuk sekolah (musim semi) 2024 TAHUN April MASUK SEKOLAH
Klasifikasi pendaftaran Special Entrance Examination
Mulai tanggal pendaftaran November 1, 2023
Batas akhir pendaftaran November 10, 2023 (Tertanda cap pengiriman)
Waktu ujian November 25, 2023
Pengumuman kelulusan Desember 5, 2023
Batas waktu prosedur penerimaan (bagi siwa yang lolos ujian) Desember 12, 2023(Batas waktu gelombang pertama) Desember 19, 2023(Batas waktu gelombang kedua)
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - pendaftaran di luar Jepang Tersedia
Prosedur pendaftaran sebelum di Jepang - kunjungan ke Jepang untuk ujian Perlu
Ujian yang diselenggarakan universitas Proses Screening formulir, Essay, Interview
Keterangan You must meet the following 1 or 2. Also, you must meet the following a, b, and c.

1. You must completed or are expected to complete 12 years school education in a foreign country by 31st March 2024.

2. You must be regarded to have academic abilities equivalent to graduation of a high school by the individual screening of the university's admission, or you must be expected to meet it by 31st March 2024 (You must be over 18 years old by 31st March 2024).

a. You must have a nationality of a foreign country (except for a person who has been allowed as a permanent resident in Japan).

b. You must take N1 of JLPT, or at least 250 points of "'Reading comprehension' and 'Listening and Listening-reading comprehension'" and 35 points of "Writing" of EJU in November 2022 or June 2023.

c. You must apply this university on the 1st priority and hope strongly to study at the university.

You should check by yourself if you are eligible to apply. If you would like to apply for the university, you mush submit all required documents by 2nd October (Mon). Documents must be arrived by the date. You must confirm eligibility of application. Please refer to the application guidelines for details.

Terlakhir diUpdate: November 16, 2023

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