Search Japanese Junior colleges in Kagoshima. | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

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> Search Japanese Junior colleges in Kagoshima.

Kagoshima Prefecture is the southernmost prefecture of 7 in Kyushu, Japan's southern main island. Because of its location, a warm, almost tropical climate can be enjoyed there. Kagoshima is a great location for international students who are not used to living in cold weather conditions. The prefecture of Kagoshima is made of both a mainland area as well as remote islands, creating a variety of scenery for international students to enjoy. Kagoshima has sister state/city relationships with Georgia in the United States, North Jeolla province in Korea, Jiangsu province in China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Many international students from around Asia come to Kagoshima, and students from around the world are welcome to come and study here. Students should also consider the relatively convenient transportation to and from Kagoshima when they make their plans to come study in Japan.

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