学生生活支助 | Faculty of International Studies | 北海道文教大学 | 日本的留学信息JPSS

学生生活支助 | Faculty of International Studies | 北海道文教大学 | 日本的留学...


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正在考虑去北海道文教大学留学的各位: JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT 是财团法人亚洲学生文化协会和倍楽生(倍乐生)股份有限公司共同主办的面向外国留学生的日本留学信息网。 北海道文教大学的Faculty of International Studies 学部、Human Science 学部等,不同系的详细信息都分别登载在此信息网上。正在寻找北海道文教大学的留学信息的各位同学,请利用此网查询。另外,在此网上登载着约1300条大学、大学院、短大、专门学校正在招收留学生的信息。

大学 北海道  / 私立

北海道文教大学 | Hokkaido Bunkyo University

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Faculty of International Studies

  • 入学考试资料
  • 学系信息
  • 学生生活支助
  • 设施介绍指南
  • 到访指南


Tuition Reduction Systems

We provide a tuition reduction system to offer financial relief for privately funded international students.
A 40% reduction in tuition fees is offered for the first year. Screening is undertaken from the second year of study.

Advisor system

Each student is assigned to a faculty member who provides advice and routinely offers counselling on a variety of matters from daily student life to study and career topics.
Under this system, students and faculty maintain a close relationship to ensure that students acquire basic attitudes necessary to function in society, learn how to study independently, and can lead a fulfilling campus life.

University Health Center and Counselling Rooms

The University Health Center is staffed from 9am to 5pm with public health nurses and registered nurses who are available to assist students who become injured or fall ill on campus.
The Counselling Rooms offer support and counselling for students who are concerned about student life, study methods, course choices and career options, as well as counselling for emotional and interpersonal relation issues with friends and family.


We assist students in finding accommodation in private apartments around the university, negotiating with real estate agents for cheaper rent and handling fees, and apartments equipped with beds, washing machines, TVs, and other household goods.

Support for a smooth start to your new life as an international student

We meet you at the airport when you arrive in Japan.
For international students who require assistance, we can organize a rental apartment in advance and take you there directly from the airport.
After arrangements for rental apartment contracts and electricity and gas connections are complete, we assist you in shopping for all the household items and bedding you will require for daily life.
On the day after your arrival in Japan, we can assist you in registering for your resident card and applying for a Japanese health insurance card, as well as opening bank accounts and other paperwork.

University Health Center

University Health Center

Counselling Rooms

