设施介绍指南 | FGL: Future Global Leadership | 東北大学 | 日本的留学信息JPSS

设施介绍指南 | FGL: Future Global Leadership | 東北大学 | 日本的留学信息JPSS


> > > FGL: Future Global Leadership

正在考虑去東北大学留学的各位: JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT 是财团法人亚洲学生文化协会和倍楽生(倍乐生)股份有限公司共同主办的面向外国留学生的日本留学信息网。 東北大学的FGL: Future Global Leadership 学部、Arts and Letters 学部、Education 学部、Law 学部、Economics 学部、Medicine 学部、Dentistry 学部、Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 学部、Sciences 学部、Engineering 学部、Agriculture 学部等,不同系的详细信息都分别登载在此信息网上。正在寻找東北大学的留学信息的各位同学,请利用此网查询。另外,在此网上登载着约1300条大学、大学院、短大、专门学校正在招收留学生的信息。

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東北大学 | Tohoku University

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FGL: Future Global Leadership

下载学系介绍指南 Web申请

Application Guide for FGL Undergraduate courses October 2025 Enrollment has been published.
Students who are interested in the FGL undergraduate program, please visit the following FGL website for the application guidelines for October 2025 enrollment.
FGL Website: https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/degree/undergraduate-english/

★The Future Global Leadership (FGL) Program of Tohoku University has three undergraduate degree courses in English and it provides students with a solid foundation in their chosen area and exposure to cutting-edge research.

★If you add Tohoku University to your favorites, you can receive more information about the FGL course every season.

  • 入学考试资料
  • 学系信息
  • 学生生活支助
  • 设施介绍指南
  • 到访指南


University House for International Students

University House is housing for both Japanese and International students. With the concept of “Nurturing the Leaders of Tomorrow”, the educational dormitory houses 8 people per unit, in a safe, secure, high-quality living environment. Basic appliances come furnished, to provide an affordable start for student’s university life. Also, an ideal situation for International students and Japanese students to interact and socialize.

Aobayama Campus

The Aobayama Campus, one of the 4 campuses of Tohoku University, houses the School of Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Engineering, Agriculture. Although located only a few kilos from the heart of Sendai City, the campus is filled with rich nature and scenic landscapes.

World-class research facilities and library

Tohoku University is known for our high-quality research facilities. Practical studies in these labs will deepen students’ understanding of their field, to begin their training to become the leader in their specific fields.
The university has four libraries, including branches specific to Agriculture, Medicine and Engineering. https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/en/about/facilities/libraries/index.html


