Ryukoku University 本学では、龍谷大学生協と連携し、一人暮らしの学... | 新聞 | 留學信息網站JPSS | 2021/06/18 update

Ryukoku University 本学では、龍谷大学生協と連携し、一人暮らしの学... | 新聞 ...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 2021/06/18


2021/06/18 Ryukoku University 學校新聞

In cooperation with the Ryukoku University Student Cooperative Association, Ryukoku University will hold the "100 yen Dinner" for students who live alone.
The "100 yen Dinner" is an initiative to support students who live alone by providing dinner for 100 yen, and also to support them in making friends and attending classes by holding club information sessions with senior students before and after the dinner.

Ryukoku University has a good reputation for taking good care of students.
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