Ryukoku University ★★★留学生別科入学手続き、締め切り迫る!!!★★★... | 新闻 | JPSS日本留学网 汇集日本大学等日本学校留学信息 | 2020/11/17 update

Ryukoku University ★★★留学生別科入学手続き、締め切り迫る!!!★★★... | 新闻 ...


日本留学信息网站JPSS > 新闻/有用的留学信息 > 2020/11/17


2020/11/17 Ryukoku University 学校新闻

Deadline of admission procedures for Japanese Culture and Language Program is approaching.

The deadline of procedures for admission to the Japanese Culture and Language Program entering in April 2021 is Thursday, November 19, 2020.
For details of the procedure, please refer to the documents enclosed with the screening result sent to you.

We are unable to respond to inquiries about the screening result by phone or email.

Please make sure to submit the application before the deadline.
Please note that no application after the deadline will be accepted for any reason.

For those of you who have been accepted, we hope you will complete the application process by the deadline and we look forward to seeing you on our campus in April 2021.

» Ryukoku University 的信息

