Ryukoku University ☆日本留学フェア(韓国)が終了しました。☆本学は... | 新闻 | JPSS日本留学网 汇集日本大学等日本学校留学信息 | 2019/10/08 update

Ryukoku University ☆日本留学フェア(韓国)が終了しました。☆本学は... | 新闻 ...


日本留学信息网站JPSS > 新闻/有用的留学信息 > 2019/10/08


2019/10/08 Ryukoku University 学校新闻

* Ryukoku University Joined a Study in Japan Fair in Korea *
Ryukoku University joined a Study in Japan Fair in Seoul, Korea. At our booth, visitors learned about the university’s entrance examination and other information.
With over 3,000 visitors throughout the day, the fair was a great success.
Over 50 potential students took part in admissions consultations at our booth, where we answered their questions about studying at Ryukoku University.
This weekend, Ryukoku University will join fairs in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday and Hanoi on Sunday).
We are hoping many students in Vietnam will join us there.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

» Ryukoku University 的信息

