Ryukoku University Japanese Culture and Language Program 龍谷大学独自短期留学プログラム「R-STEP(Ryukoku... | News | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan | 2024/09/27 update

Ryukoku University Japanese Culture and Language Program 龍谷大学独自短期留学...

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JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > News/Useful information for studying abroad > 2024/09/27


2024/09/27 Ryukoku University Japanese Culture and Language Program University news

龍谷大学独自短期留学プログラム「R-STEP(Ryukoku Short-Term Experience Program)」を今年も開催!

龍谷大学は、2024年7月2日(火)から13日(土)まで、海外協定校の学生を対象に、短期留学プログラム「R-STEP(Ryukoku Short-Term Experience Program)」を開催しました。今回は7ヶ国から19名の学生が参加。このプログラムは、龍谷大学深草キャンパスを拠点に日本語、日本文化・社会、仏教に関する講義と京都の歴史的・文化的名所でのフィールドワークや、様々な日本文化体験などで構成。フィールドトリップでは、龍谷大学生がバディとなり、嵐山やUSJへ行き、充実した2週間のプログラムとなりました。



I feel so grateful to have had the precious opportunity to participate in Ryukoku University’s Short-Term Experience Program (R-STEP) in Kyoto, Japan, and am honoured to have represented my home university in Malaysia, University of Malaya. I had a thoroughly wonderful journey and incredible experience.

The program began with a university tour early in the morning, through which we got a glimpse of the campus and its facilities. One of the day’s highlights was the icebreaker session in which interactive communication was facilitated with local Japanese students in the afternoon, in which we had the chance to engage in conversation, share our cultures, and learn from each other. We also spent a splendid time connecting with students from different countries and gaining insights into their ways of life. In addition to the icebreaker session, we played games together which fostered teamwork and collaboration and created a lively and enjoyable atmosphere, allowing us to bond with the Japanese students and build lasting friendships.

To further engage us, there was a special welcome party in the evening which was warm and friendly, and once again, we took part in various activities. It was a fantastic way to create a sense of belonging within the program.

Overall, the first and second days spent in Ryukoku University’s R-STEP program were enriching. They provided a platform for cultural exchange, communication, and building connections with Japanese students. I am blessed for the opportunity to have taken part in this program, and the memories I have made will stay with me for a lifetime.

京都での龍谷大学 短期体験プログラム(R-STEP)に参加する貴重な機会をいただき、とても感謝しています。私は、マレーシアにあるマラヤ大学を代表して参加できたことを光栄に思います。この留学プログラムは、私にとって素晴らしい旅であり、信じられないような経験でした。プログラムは早朝の大学見学から始まり、龍谷大学のキャンパスや各施設を見ることができました。この日のハイライトのひとつは、午後に行われた龍谷大学の日本人学生も加えたアイスブレーキング・セッション(交流会)でした。会話を通してお互いの文化を分かち合い、学び合う機会を得ました。異なる国から来た学生たちと交流し、彼らの生き方について見識を深める素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができました。

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