Ryukoku University Japanese Culture and Language Program 龍谷大学 深草キャンパス1号館の前のクスノキは平... | News | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan | 2021/03/12 update

Ryukoku University Japanese Culture and Language Program 龍谷大学 深草キャン...

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JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > News/Useful information for studying abroad > 2021/03/12


2021/03/12 Ryukoku University Japanese Culture and Language Program University news

The Camphor Tree outside of building one on Ryukoku University’s Fukakusa Campus is a descendent of a tree in Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park that survived the atomic bomb.

In an effort to extend the wish for world peace, approximately 3000 saplings have been donated to universities and cities around the world, and we are honored to have one of these at Ryukoku University. A plaque outlining the tree’s history stands in front of the tree, slightly hard to read after a long number of years exposed to the elements. The tree itself is thriving.

Come and learn more about the peace tree and its history!
Come and Study at Ryukoku University!!

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