學系信息 | Faculty of Letters | 明治学院大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS

學系信息 | Faculty of Letters | 明治学院大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS


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大學 東京都, 神奈川縣  / 私立

明治学院大学 | Meiji Gakuin University

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Faculty of Letters

■Meiji Gakuin University carries out a foreign student examination for foreigners.
For the details, please visit the following Web site.
■Only the department of Global and Transcultural Studies,it offers especially application methods.
For the details, please visit the following Web site.

  • 入學考試資料
  • 學系信息
  • 學生生活支助
  • 設施介紹指南
  • 到訪指南


Pursue the essentials and methods of communication as an approach to understanding humanity

Topics of study in the Faculty of Letters encompass all things written as expressions of the human condition, whether it is general cultural aspects of language, literature, and the arts, philosophies and histories, or topics of religion and education. Along with this research, the question of what it means to be human is pondered as an approach to understanding humanity. The Faculty boasts three departments: English, French Literature, and Art Studies. In the Department of English, students develop deep understanding and insight into cultures different from their own through fundamental study of the international language of English, and research into the literature, language, and cultural backgrounds of the United Kingdom and the United States. In the Department of French Literature, students will learn French, a language spoken in more than 30 countries and an official language of the United Nations. The unique aspects of France's culture, history, and art are also covered. In the Department of Art Studies, students will learn about various facets of art as well as theories of communication. Study in these courses into forms of expression and transmission of information, as well as the essentials and methods of communication prepares students for life in contemporary society.

In the Department of Arts Studies, students learn about a variety of art disciplines such as film, music, and fine arts.

In the Department of Arts Studies, students learn about a variety of art disciplines such as film, music, and fine arts.

Scene of a class in the Faculty of Letters

Scene of a class in the Faculty of Letters

Learning of the Department of literature to pursue "what the human being is"

Learning of the Department of literature to pursue "what the human being is"

Department of English
Deeply explore literature and human communication through the English language

The long tradition of English education at Meiji Gakuin began with the opening of an English school founder by its founder, Dr. Hepburn. Through research into British and American cultures and the English language, students can deepen their understanding of humanity, understand a wider variety of values, and broaden their viewpoints. The practical English education starts with introductory and general material, and then proceeds to specialized courses over 4 years, with progressive stages of study in the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Introductory seminars are held from the first year of study, and from the third year, students choose English Literature, American Literature, or English Studies as their specialization. Students engage in deep and wide-ranging research into various aspects of British and American literature, culture, and language. Classes taught in English also provide opportunities to acquire specialized knowledge. Study in the Teacher Training Course allows students to acquire a class 1 English teacher's license for junior high and high schools.

Department of French Literature
Choose your own path into the future through in-depth study of France's unique sensibilities and culture

In the Department of French Literature, topics unique to the culture of France such as its language, literature, art, and history are studied with a view towards the country's role as part of European civilization. The first and second years cover mainly French language, and in the third and fourth years students can choose from a series of 4 specialized courses: "Textualité" courses in Linguistic Culture and Literature, and "Modernité" courses in Thought and Art. Students may choose the programs that match their interests and study in them freely in an interdisciplinary fashion. From the third year onward, all students participate in seminars. The writing of a graduation thesis is also very important. There are also opportunities for short-term study abroad in Paris, and long-term study abroad in Aix-en-Provence and Rennes.

Department of Art Studies
Acquire expressive abilities and deep insight through the study of the various disciplines of art

The objective of the Department of Art Studies is to cultivate skilled individuals who can look through both the eyes of the artist and the eyes of the beholder to express their feelings on art, as well as its historical and social significance. Students select one of six courses in the second year onwards. In the "General Art Studies " course, students learn a broad range of art subjects using cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary methods in order to understand them as a whole. In the Musicology course, study focuses on topics such as music theory and methods of analysis. The music and cultures of the world are examined from an international viewpoint. In the Film Studies course, the moving image is explored from several approaches, covering topics such as plot structure and image symbolism. In the History of Art course, theories of both fine art and modern art are studied in addition to aspects of Western, Eastern, and Japanese art. In the Art Media course which was established in 2017, classes cover theories of media surrounding art, as well as the performing arts, centering on theater.In the drama and body expression course, we pursue the richness of the theatrical arts from a variety of angles.

