學系信息 | Faculty of Psychology | 明治学院大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS

學系信息 | Faculty of Psychology | 明治学院大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS


> > > Faculty of Psychology

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大學 東京都, 神奈川縣  / 私立

明治学院大学 | Meiji Gakuin University

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Faculty of Psychology

  • 入學考試資料
  • 學系信息
  • 學生生活支助
  • 設施介紹指南
  • 到訪指南


Striving to train individuals who can provide the psychological support demanded by our pluralistic society

The rapid growth of internet usage has advanced the spread of information, but at the same time the psychological relationships between people have become diluted, and communication is becoming more difficult in modern society. There is a need for individuals with the capacity to provide psychological support and promote the maintenance of mental health for the people around them. The Faculty of Psychology strives to develop such individuals equipped with the ability to provide such psychological support.
The underlying basis of education in the Faculty of Psychology is the principle of "Do for others". In order to cultivate the self-understanding and self-help needed to achieve this, the curriculum is based on an introduction to psychology combined with general psychological theory. Later studies include practical programs such as counseling and special education training to build on this foundation.
A major characteristic of study in the Faculty of Psychology is the close interaction graduate students have with the undergraduate students. In this way the path to graduate studies is paved for students in addition to the many other career paths available to them. The Department of Education and Child Development is also available for the cultivation of educators. At Meiji Gakuin University, the progress of education for strengthening the mind advances each and every day.

Scene of hands-on learning in the Department of Psychology

Scene of hands-on learning in the Department of Psychology

By using testing equipment, students learn about psychological test in a practical format.

By using testing equipment, students learn about psychological test in a practical format.

Students learn theories and techniques relating to clinical psychological support within the group therapy process.

Students learn theories and techniques relating to clinical psychological support within the group therapy process.

Department of Psychology
Training individuals to develop the capacity to support others with the philosophy of "Research the mind and support the person"

The Department of Psychology provides practical learning in the discipline of psychology with an emphasis on social relationships. Students will acquire the analytical and practical skills based in psychology to become able to provide assistance to any person in any situation within our complex society. Seminar courses are held in small-size classes from the first year. Over the 4 years of the program, seminars and practical labs and courses provide hands-on study of psychology. In the first and second year of study, basic studies offers insights into the science of the mind, and from the third year onwards 5 different fields specialization are available for further acquisition of knowledge. The 5 groups of programs are "psychology of perception and psychology of learning", "physiological psychology and comparative psychology", "educational psychology and developmental psychology", "clinical psychology and personality psychology", and "social psychology and industrial psychology", and students can choose a program that matches their own interests and future career plans. Students who are unsure of what path to choose can refer to 4 study paths prepared by the department that cover careers in corporations and businesses, public service and education, counseling, or research.

Department of Education and Child Development
3 courses are introduced from the second year of study: "Child Development", "Special Support", and "International Education"

Students in the Department of Education and Child Development study to understand the mind of the child in their first year, and from the second year onwards, choose a specialization in "Child Development", "Special Support", or "International Education " to further develop their skills in accordance with their future career plans. Students then deepen their knowledge from their third year of study onwards to deepen their knowledge of their specialization for their future career through mutual learning among other students in a seminar format. (The "International Education " course has a program for earning a junior high school teacher class 2 license in English if an elementary school teacher's class 1 license has been already earned.) The Department of Education and Child Development strives to contribute to addressing the pressing issue of supporting the needs of children for their education under the keywords of "educational development" and "globalization".

