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學系信息 | 法律學院 | 帝京大学 | 日本的留學信息JPSS


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大學 東京都, 櫪木縣  / 私立

帝京大学 | Teikyo University

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Practical learning for the cultivation of skilled individuals who can excel in society

The role of laws related to the globalization of business and the changing environment are becoming more important on a daily basis, bringing a greater need for graduates from the Faculty of Law. To this end, students are provided with a practical education to provide them with rational thinking methods based on the fundamental spirit of law, basic legal knowledge, and the capacity for logical thought and sound judgment.


Ideal environment for hands-on learning, including a mock courtroom

The Hachioji campus offers a practical and hands-on learning environment, including a mock courtroom for mock trials and debates between the "plaintiff" and "defendant" sides, as well as software for searching precedents and stenographic transcripts of proceedings.


An open curriculum provides a wide range of study opportunities that transcend the boundaries of faculties and departments.

One distinguishing feature of Teikyo University is the flexibility given to its students to study in fields of their interest outside of their faculty or department. Many of the classes offered in the Faculties of Economics, Law, Liberal Arts, Language Studies, and Education as well as the Junior College at the Hachioji Campus may be taken by any student as an elective course, and up to 34 credits acquired in this way can be applied to graduation requirements.

Scene from a mock trial study practice

Scene from a mock trial study practice

Scene from a lecture

Scene from a lecture


Department of Law
Learning "living law" in classes from faculty with real-world experience

Three courses are available for specialized learning: the Government Employee Course, the Corporate Law Course, and the Legal Course. These courses cultivate legal minds through the explanation of theories along with a focus on practical law studies to learn "living law". Veteran faculty with backgrounds in legal, government, academic, and business professions give lectures based on their real-world experiences.

Department of Political Science
Training human resources who can analyze and develop solutions for various issues using flexible approaches

Students can select either the Public Policy Course or the Government Course in line with their future goals. The curriculum also includes classes for students interested in the world of journalism to cultivate international perspectives. These courses will develop students into human resources well-suited to this age of globalization.




