Scholarship (Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation) (學部, 碩士, 博士) | 獎學金咨詢 | 留學信息網站JPSS

Scholarship (Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation) (學部, 碩士, 博士)...


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Scholarship (Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation)

最後更新日期: 2022年09月27日

實施團體 Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation
郵政編碼 108-0023
地址 msb Tamachi Station Tower N, 3-1-1 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo
電話號碼 03-6435-3388
FAX號 03-6435-3165
支付對象的年度 2022-2023
申請方法 像實施團體或學校申請
申請時的居住地 日本
課程 學部, 碩士, 博士
國籍 Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Timor-Leste
在留資格 College Student
並給限制 You cannot get another scholarship.
其它關於申請的事項 Must attend a bimonthly cultural exchange meeting
支付金額(日元) Undergraduates: 150,000 yen for a month, Graduate students: 180,000 yen for a month
支付期間(年) Maximum 2 years (range of a single degree course)
采用(預訂)人數 (1)15前後 (about 15)、(2)若干名(a few)
上一年度的采用人數 (1)15/152 (2)7/45 (2021年3月) (March, 2021)
招募期間 (1) May to August (plan), (2) November to January (plan)
招募截止日 1月, 8月

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