Tohoku University FGL: Future Global Leadership 【3 months before the application】STEM Field: ... | 新聞 | 留學信息網站JPSS | 2023/07/13 update

Tohoku University FGL: Future Global Leadership 【3 months before the applica...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 2023/07/13


2023/07/13 Tohoku University FGL: Future Global Leadership 學校新聞

【3 months before the application】STEM Field: Tohoku University’s FGL Undergraduate Degree Program.

The online application window will open from noon, January 9 (Tue.) to Noon January 17 (Wed.) (JST).

Since the FGL program is an English-medium program, no Japanese language ability is required at the time of application. We currently offer three undergraduate degree courses:
●AMC (Science)
●IMAC-U (Engineering)
●AMB (Agricultural & Fisheries Science.)

For details, please refer to the FGL Application Guide 2024 on the FGL website:

If you add Tohoku University to your favorites, you can receive more information about the FGL course every season.

[What is FGL?]
The Future Global Leadership (FGL) Program of Tohoku University has three undergraduate degree courses in English and it provides students with a solid foundation in their chosen area and exposure to cutting-edge research.
★Website/Application Guide:


» Tohoku University FGL: Future Global Leadership的信息

