Ryukoku University 龍谷大学留学生別科(JCLP)は1年間の日本語・日本... | 新聞 | 留學信息網站JPSS | 2022/12/09 update

Ryukoku University 龍谷大学留学生別科(JCLP)は1年間の日本語・日本... | 新聞...


日本留學信息網站JPSS > 新聞/有用的留學資訊 > 2022/12/09


2022/12/09 Ryukoku University 學校新聞

The Ryukoku University Japanese Culture and Language Program (JCLP) is a one year course for international students to study the Japanese language and culture. Students study an array of courses about language and Japanese culture and related studies. This is a recommended course for students wanting to continue on to a Japanese undergraduate or graduate course in Japan.

Students are assigned Japanese language courses every semester according to their current language ability level.
There are a variety of afternoon elective studies for students to learn about Japanese culture and society.
Students also have the opportunity to use their Japanese language to learn about the culture and traditions of Kyoto.
Students in the JCLP program are eligible for recommendation into Ryukoku undergraduate and graduate schools and Junior Colleges.


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