Ryukoku University 龍谷大学留学生別科(JCLP)は1年間の日本語・日本... | 新闻 | JPSS日本留学网 汇集日本大学等日本学校留学信息 | 2023/02/10 update

Ryukoku University 龍谷大学留学生別科(JCLP)は1年間の日本語・日本... | 新闻...


日本留学信息网站JPSS > 新闻/有用的留学信息 > 2023/02/10


2023/02/10 Ryukoku University 学校新闻

Ryukoku University’s Japanese Culture and Language Program (JCLP) is a one-year program to study Japanese language and culture. This is an ideal preparatory course for international students wishing to enter university or post-graduate courses in Japan.
The curriculum is composed of the following three subject areas.

Japanese Language subjects
Students are divided into classes according to their level, based on the results of placement tests taken upon entry into the course.

Japanese Culture and Technology subjects
These subjects help students to gain an understanding of Japanese history, literature, society and economics. Subjects are taught by faculty members from the university.

Special Lectures
Subjects offered include “Introduction to Japanese Culture”, and preparatory classes for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test.

Please refer to the following information for more details about the Japanese Language and Cultural Program at Ryukoku University.

» Ryukoku University 的信息

