Hiroshima Jogakuin University Humanities 【広島女学院大学】留学生活を綴ったブログのご紹... | 新闻 | JPSS日本留学网 汇集日本大学等日本学校留学信息 | 2013/10/04 update

Hiroshima Jogakuin University Humanities 【広島女学院大学】留学生活を綴ったブ...


日本留学信息网站JPSS > 新闻/有用的留学信息 > 2013/10/04


2013/10/04 Hiroshima Jogakuin University Humanities 学校新闻

【HIROSHIMA JOGAKUIN UNIVERSITY】 The blog made by the students on the exchange program in the United States

We have eight students of GSE (Global Studies in English) Major of Department for Liberal Arts studying at Wesleyan College, one of our sister schools in the US.

Just click the URL below or you can enjoy to find how exciting lives they are spending there in the blog, ‘GSE OF 2012 WESLEYAN COLLEGE’.
→ http://gsewesleyan.blogspot.jp/

» Hiroshima Jogakuin University Humanities的信息

