International University of Japan 8月26日(日)、タイ・バンコクで開催される日本留... | 新闻 | JPSS日本留学网 汇集日本大学等日本学校留学信息 | 2018/08/13 update

International University of Japan 8月26日(日)、タイ・バンコクで開催される日...


日本留学信息网站JPSS > 新闻/有用的留学信息 > 2018/08/13


2018/08/13 International University of Japan 学校新闻

IUJ is participating in the study in Japan fair in Bangkok, Thailand on August 26.
if you live in and around Bangkok and you’ve been considering graduate studies in Japan, we’d love to see you!
For more info about the event, head on over to our website at

IUJ was established in 1982 as the first English-language graduate school in Japan. Currently, 360 students from 60 countries undertake studies at the university, with over 4,360 additional alumni hailing from a total of 129 countries. It truly lives up to being the university Where the World Gathers.

IUJ is a school that is continually growing – not just by the number of countries that students hail from, but in its international standing. The Graduate School of International Management proudly obtained accreditation from AACSB International in February this year, and the University’s PhD program was inaugurated in 2015 with the number of doctoral candidates increasing annually.

Office of Admissions and Career Support
International University of Japan

» International University of Japan 的信息


