학부정보 | 창조이공 | 早稲田大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

학부정보 | 창조이공 | 早稲田大学 | 일본의 유학 정보라면 JPSS

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早稲田大学 유학을 생각하고 계시는 분들께 JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT는 재단법인 아시아학생문화협회와 주식회사 베네세코퍼레이션이 공동운영하고 있는 외국인 유학생을 위한 일본유학정보 사이트입니다. 早稲田大学 정치경제 학부및기간이공 학부및사회과 학부및International Liberal Studies 학부및문화구상 학부및창조이공 학부및선진이공 학부및법 학부및문 학부및교육 학부및상 학부및인간과 학부및스포츠과 학부 등 학부 별 상세 정보도 게재하고 있기 때문에, 早稲田大学 관한 유학정보를 찾고 계시는 분들은 꼭 이용해 보시기 바랍니다. 이 외에도 외국인 유학생을 모집을 하고 있는 1,300여 개의 대학・대학원・단기대학・전문학교의 정보도 게재하고ㅇ 있습니다.

대학 도쿄도  / 사립

早稲田大学 | Waseda University

대학안내 다운로드
현재 선택하신 언어로는 정보를 제공하고 있지 않습니다. 다른 언어로 열람해 주시기 바랍니다.
일본어로 정보를 열람  영어로 정보를 열람 



  • 입시정보
  • 학부정보
  • 학생생활지원
  • 시설안내
  • 찾아 오시는 길


About the School of Creative Science and Engineering

The School of Creative Science and Engineering supports human activities that generate prosperity based on a diversity of human values.

The school provides opportunities for pioneering research and a practical education related to the realization of "global environments" that balance elements of space, equipment, community-creating technologies, and renewable system technologies.”

English-based Undergraduate Program

Waseda University considers globalization as an issue of foremost importance, and seeks to foster thinkers who feel at home in different cultures around the world, who can take action to solve various community problems, and who can make contributions both in- and outside of Japan, and to human society as a whole.

In order to achieve this, the university established the International Program in September 2010, where students can acquire their degree taking only classes in English.


Take Waseda's first MOOC on edX!

Waseda University will offer a six-part online course on coastal disasters, taught in English and made available to everyone around the world. The course is titled: “Tsunamis and Storm Surges: Introduction to Coastal Disasters”.

This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is offered freely on the edX platform and is open worldwide to university students, high school students and anybody else interested in coastal disasters.

The course will introduce current coastal disaster research and damage mitigation engineering to young people in order to raise awareness and share scientific analysis of disasters such as the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, and the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

You can enroll now via the edX homepage.

Click on the link below to visit our course page and register for the course now!

Nishiwaseda Campus Scene

Nishiwaseda Campus Scene

Class Scene

Class Scene

Practical Training Course Scene

Practical Training Course Scene

Department of Architecture
* Program offered in Japanese only

Students acquire a wide range of architectural knowledge, including the history and design of architecture, urban planning, and architectural engineering. The program nurtures practical design skills through exercises, and students gain specialized knowledge through experiments and practical training in architectural engineering.

Department of Modern Mechanical Engineering

Students research how technologies for design and construction can be useful in society. They study interdisciplinary programs and “border” topics, including design and co-creation, robotics, medical welfare, and environment and energy to develop abilities they can use to contribute to society.

Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
* Program offered in Japanese only

Industrial and management systems engineering is an integrated science and technology field focusing mostly on mathematical technology, system technology, information technology, and human element technology. The department fosters the ability to solve problems in various organizational systems through the application of these technologies.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil and environmental engineering is a field closely tied to the environment, nature and everyday human life. Students learn about how development of national land can be achieved in harmony with nature, and acquire specialized knowledge and techniques for constructing and maintaining facilities that people need to lead cultured lives.

Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering
* Program offered in Japanese only

Students and faculty research academic topics and techniques related to the environment and resources, including the development and use of resources, environmental problems, methods to predict and mitigate natural disasters, resource recycling, and waste treatment measures. The mission of the department is to create man-made resource recycling systems that are integrated into the natural environment.

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