Ryukoku University R-STEPプログラム <USJデイトリップ>2023年12... | 뉴스 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS | 2024/02/07 update

Ryukoku University R-STEPプログラム <USJデイトリップ>2023年12... | 뉴스 |...

스카우트 기능으로 합격하면 장학금 기회

일본 유학 정보 사이트JPSS > 뉴스/유학에 유익한 정보 > 2024/02/07


2024/02/07 Ryukoku University 학교 뉴스

R-STEPプログラム <USJデイトリップ>

2023年12月5日(火)から15日(金)まで、海外協定校の学生を対象に、短期留学プログラム「R-STEP(Ryukoku Short-Term Experience Program)」を開催しました。今回は3ヶ国から10名の学生が参加。12月11日(月)プログラム6日目は、ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(USJ)へのデイトリップです。貸し切りバスでRyukoku Student Buddies(龍谷大学生バディ)とともに行きました。

Today we went to Universal Studios Japan in Osaka. As you can imagine, we had a lot of fun and a great time. We rode all the rollercoasters (even if the waiting time was about 90 minutes), and they were totally worth it. We also tried some new food and drinks.
I think we can speak for all the other R-STEP participants: Time flew, and we enjoyed every single moment, not just because we were at Universal Studios, but also on all the other days we spent here. Everything is going perfectly. All of the Ryukoku Student Buddies were totally kind and helpful if we needed anything.
We are really grateful for this opportunity and really happy to be here.

それはUSJにいたからだけではなく、ここで過ごした他の日々も同様です。全てが完璧に進んでいるように思います。Ryukoku Student Buddiesの皆は、何か必要なことがあればとても親切で助けてくれました。

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