Tsuda University College of Liberal Arts ☆Times Higher Education世界大学ランキング日本版... | 뉴스 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS | 2020/06/11 update

Tsuda University College of Liberal Arts ☆Times Higher Education世界大学ラン...

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일본 유학 정보 사이트JPSS > 뉴스/유학에 유익한 정보 > 2020/06/11


2020/06/11 Tsuda University College of Liberal Arts 학교 뉴스

☆Tsuda University was ranked No. 1 among the private women’s universities in THE Japan University Rankings 2020☆
Tsuda University was ranked No. 1 among the private women’s universities in the Times Higher Education Japan University Rankings. Its overall ranking was 44, 13 places up from last year’s ranking of 57.

This ranking consists of 4 elements: Resources, Engagement, Outcomes, and Environment. Tsuda University was ranked No. 15 in the Engagement ranking, which includes evaluations from students through student surveys, and No. 1 among the women’s universities in both the Engagement and Outcomes rankings, the latter of which is based on evaluations from companies and researchers. These high rankings are probably due to the fact that since our foundation in 1900, we have fostered our students' individuality by keeping classes small, and we have produced graduates who have been drivers of change in society.

We will continue to work on enhancing and strengthening our education.

Portrait of Umeko Tsuda, founder of Tsuda University, to be featured on the new 5,000-yen bill.
For details, please visit :https://www.tsuda.ac.jp/en/news/20190612.html

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