Nihon University 日本語教員として国内外で活躍2020年4 月「日本語... | 뉴스 | 유학 정보 사이트JPSS | 2019/10/11 update

Nihon University 日本語教員として国内外で活躍2020年4 月「日本語... | 뉴스 | ...

스카우트 기능으로 합격하면 장학금 기회

일본 유학 정보 사이트JPSS > 뉴스/유학에 유익한 정보 > 2019/10/11


2019/10/11 Nihon University 학교 뉴스

April 2020 will see the inception of the Introductory Program in Teaching Japanese, designed for students interested in teaching Japanese either in Japan or abroad.

In order to meet the demands of a diversifying, globalizing world, the Introductory Program in Teaching Japanese will begin offering classes in April 2020 at Nihon University’s Graduate School of Literature and Social Sciences. The program will feature both Basic Courses and Applied Courses, welcoming students in the humanities, and social or natural sciences who wish to acquire knowledge and skills in Japanese teaching while deepening their own specialist knowledge, as well as students who aim to become fully-fledged Japanese teachers. Students who complete a predetermined number of credits from a designated course unit will receive a certificate of completion from the Graduate School of Literature and Social Sciences. Additionally, a faculty member specializing in Japanese teaching will serve as a supervisor for those students who wish to write a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation related to some aspect of Japanese language education.

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