Informasi fakultas | Foreign Language | Universitas Teikyo | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

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Bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke Universitas Teikyo. JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT merupakan situs informasi studi di Jepang untuk para pelajar/mahasiswa(i) mancanegara yang dikelola bersama oleh The Asian Students Cultural Association (ABK) dan Benesse Corp. Kami menyediakan informasi rinci per fakultas, termasuk Fakultas Liberal ArtsatauFakultas EconomicsatauFakultas LawatauFakultas Fakultas sains dan teknologiatauFakultas Foreign LanguageatauFakultas Education, Universitas Teikyo. Bagi yang mencari informasi melanjutkan studi ke Universitas Teikyo, silakan memanfaatkannya. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan informasi sekitar 1300 universitas, pascasarjana, universitas yunior, akademi kejuruan yang siap menerima mahasiswa(i) mancanegara.

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Foreign Language

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The new “Department of Global Japanese Studies” will be established in April 2022 to promote Japan throughout the world.

This new department will nurture students into citizens who can tackle issues facing the global society and promote Japan to the world with practical communication skills in foreign languages and a deep understanding of Japan.

Select the study abroad program that is perfect for you from our worldwide network

Teikyo University has prepared a diverse array of educational programs designed to provide students with global perspectives and improve their communication skills. Its global network covers the United States, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and other world regions, with a variety of study abroad programs available to match each student's study goals, destination, period of stay, and budget. As a matter of course, throughout the study abroad programs experiential language study programs will be held, but in addition a variety of learning opportunities will also be provided for classroom language study, observing the country's businesses and workers, learning its customs and culture, and experiencing its daily life.

Training human resources that can communicate and work with people around the world through practical language education

Going forward, foreign language education needs to go beyond language study to foster a broad understanding of the world's cultures. In order to acquire this knowledge and degree of specialization, students join seminars for active learning from their second year. Through such practical learning, the program aims to train human resources who can communicate with a wide range of people from around the world.

A global approach to English study through the culture of movies and music

A global approach to English study through the culture of movies and music

Students enhance their reading comprehension using newspapers in their language of study.

Students enhance their reading comprehension using newspapers in their language of study.

Department of Language Studies
Deepening knowledge and understanding of the cultures behind foreign languages

In the Department of Language Studies, the curriculum focuses on not only language skills, but multifaceted cultural research as well. Following the premise that language skills alone do not make someone a member of the international community, students will also deepen their knowledge and understanding behind their language of study.

Department of Language Studies
Progressive learning matching each students' proficiency to master a "specialty language" in 4 years

Applicants select a language from among English, German, Chinese, French, Spanish, or Korean when they take their entrance examination. This becomes the student's "specialty language", which is then systematically studied over 4 years.
*Students cannot select a course for a language that is their native language.

Department of Language Studies
Study abroad programs for all students

The Global Campus Program requires all enrollees to study abroad, in principle, in the fall semester of their 2nd year (4th semester). Students will have a chance to put into use the skills and knowledge they have learnt when they study abroad within the "Global Campus" system comprised of Teikyo University's partner institutions around the world. Students will be able to experience the world beyond Japan by living in other countries and seeing for themselves differences with their home country.

Department of Global Japanese Studies
Language and Culture Exchange program in our overseas and domestic partner institutions

Students will participate in a language and culture exchange program in the spring semester of their 2nd year. Japanese students will go to one of the partner institutions overseas, and international students will choose from one of our two partners (Shimane University and Shiga University) in Japan. Students will learn the regional cultures and history of each destination while they learn English or Japanese. Expenses will be approx. 550,000 yen.

Department of Global Japanese Studies
Develop a deeper intercultural awareness through collaborative learning with Japanese and international students

Students will gain the ability to understand different cultures as they work together and teach each other using the common languages of English and Japanese through participation in small-group seminars throughout their four years of study.

Department of Global Japanese Studies
Students will acquire the skills to contribute to the international community and globally disseminate information about Japan's values and position in the world.

Students will gain an understanding of the peculiarities of Japan from a global perspective and the knowledge how to share information about Japan to the world as they develop the attitude and skills required to understand and solve challenges facing the international community.

Department of Global Japanese Studies
Emphasis on Language learning to improve linguistic competence

Students take language courses every day in their 1st year, then participate in the "Language and Culture Exchange Program" at partner institutions in the spring of their 2nd year. Subsequent study involves more practical training to further enhance students' language skills.

Department of Global Japanese Studies
Courses / Japanese Language Education for International Students

【Courses Introductory courses for Global Japanese Studies include “Japanese Culture” “Economy and Business Management in Japan” “Japanese Studies in the World” and more, which are all offered in both English and Japanese every half-semester. These courses will help students learn the basics of the field, as an entryway into Japanese Studies.
【Japanese Language Education for International Students】 While Japanese students study intensive English, international students will study Japanese. Fundamental Japanese, Applied Japanese, Language and Culture Exchange Program, and Advanced Japanese courses will help students hone their Japanese language skills.

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