Informasi Umum | International Beauty & Fashon College | Jika ingin belajar di Jepang, "JPSS"

Informasi Umum | International Beauty & Fashon College | Jika ingin belaj...

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> > International Beauty & Fashon College

Sekolah kejuruanFukushima

国際ビューティ・ファッション専門学校 | International Beauty & Fashon College

We develope attractive learning style linking beauty between fashion.

BF is a professional school in 'Koriyama City' where is a center city of Fukushima.We aspire to become a professional that can propose not only fashion ,not only beauty but also the total cordination.

Official site :

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Informasi Umum

Lokasi dan Hubungi Kami di:
2-4-21houhatyou Koriyamacity Fukushimaprefecture

No. Telepon: 024-941-1110    No. FAX: 024-941-6551
Kontek Email:
Informasi Penduduk Mahasiswa Asing (Tahun Fiscal)
2010tahun Fiskal

Taiwan 2

Pendaftaran Ujian Masuk Mahasiswa Asing
General examination

Periode Pendaftaran 28.March
Proses pemyeleksian Applicant screening Interview

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