Foreign Literature | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

Foreign Literature | JPSS, the information site of studying in Japan

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JPSS, for information about studying in Japan's universities and graduate schools. > Subject > List of fields of study > Foreign Literature

Introduction of Studies Foreign Literature

Foreign Literature

Understanding countries and regions through studying their literature.

Foreign literature studies concerns the comprehensive research of literature in the language of the country it was written in that includes the study of the regional and historical circumstances in which it was written. While examining the author’s personal history and views and the historical context the work was written in, researchers must also imagine how and why the characters in the literature act the way they do to better grasp the essence of humanity. Study of any foreign literature requires acquisition of the language that literature was written in. For example, in order to study in the field of American and English literature criticism, studies in modern English and business English is carried out concurrently with other studies. Knowledge of the country’s culture, thinking, and daily customs are also essential for understanding the background in which a work was written.

Universities that offer these studies include...

関西大学 | Kansai University

Located in Osaka, a city brimming with history ...

Kansai University

明治学院大学 | Meiji Gakuin University

Meiji Gakuin University traces its origins to t...

Meiji Gakuin University

津田塾大学 | Tsuda University

Tsuda University is a private institution of hi...

Tsuda University

武蔵大学 | Musashi University

Since its inception, Musashi University has con...

Musashi University

愛知淑徳大学 | Aichi Shukutoku University

The Center for Japanese Language and Culture (C...

Aichi Shukutoku University

広島大学 | Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University is a national institution ...

Hiroshima University

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